Sunday, November 22, 2009

November, 20-21, 2009

I think I have finally come to a realization. I don't know why it took such obvious signs for me to finally get it. I am not altogether human. Not quite inhuman, but not quite human. Somewhere in between, maybe. I was feeling so upset the other night that I went straight to bed. I had lost 50 pounds in a weeks time. I couldn't eat and couldn't sleep at night. I was as far into depression as you can get. This realization has everything to do with it. Let me tell you what brought me, finally, to this realization.

The night of the 19th, Thursday, I was so depressed that I decided i would end it. I had started to realize that something not possible was actually happening to me. I was losing weight rapidly and didn't know when it would stop. My stomach was aching, yet I could not eat. Yet somehow through this all, i was still alive. So i decided to end. I took a bottle of pills and downed a whole bottle.

The room went hazy and I lay in bed, waiting to die. But then, something strange happened. I started to retch. And I vomited onto my bed. But it wasn't vomit. Out onto the bed spilled the pills. They were as dry as they had ever been. My vision cleared and I was as good as new.

I wrapped a rope about my throat and tied the other end to the racks in my closet. I bent my knees and felt the rope begin to choke me. I could feel my breath stop. My breathing stopped. But I was still conscious. It was only slightly uncomfortable. I gave up after ten minutes.

And finally, I went to the kitchen, I got the sharpest knife i had and...well, you can guess. I watched in amazement as the blade sliced. I saw the gash. I saw the blood spill onto the hardwood floor of my bathroom. And then, I watched in horror as the cut slowly healed up and the blood stopped flowing.

It was then that I knew that something had happened to me. It was the man from the club. He had done something to me. I was no longer quite human. I couldn't even kill myself. I began to cry and crawled into bed. I lay in a fetal position and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up at 6pm the next day, Friday. I was freezing. I pulled the covers off me and stood next to my bed. As I stretched my arms above my head, I felt my boxer briefs drop to the floor. I looked down. I couldn't believe what I saw. I ran to the mirror to be sure and I felt like I was going to faint. I was half the size I was the night before. I stepped onto the scale. I had lost 50 pounds overnight. 50 pounds!

That's a total loss of 100 pounds. I looked down at my skin. It should have been hanging off of me at this rate, but it was tight and taut against my body. I looked at my stomach. It was flat but had no muscle tone. I started to calm down. If nothing else came of this, I had the body I had always wanted. Well...almost.

I lay on my back on the bedroom floor and began to do crunches. I figured if I was skinny now, I should at least make sure I had tone. It was going to be a long road to abs of steel, better begin now! At least, that's what I thought. I did 20 crunches. I went to the bathroom again and looked in the mirror. My abs...rock hard. You could see the muscles bulging out behind my skin.

This is crazy. I hadn't seen anyone in days. I locked myself in my room and had only been out to let Cheryl in, once. She had been amazed at my transformation but credited with high metabolism plus the no eating thing. I knew I couldn't blame this on high metabolism. I picked up my cell phone and sent two quick text messages. One to Cheryl and one to my roommate Dustin. I told them to be in the living room in an hour and that they should be prepared to be shocked. I also told them not to be frightened. They both immediately texted me back and wanted to know what was wrong. I told them to meet me in the living room and all would be explained.

An hour passed. I texted Cheryl to make sure both of them were ready. When i received an immediate response, I took a towel and wrapped it around my waist (my clothes didn't fit me anymore). I walked into the living room. The reactions were mixed. Cheryl's mouth dropped open and she started to sputter. Her eyes watered and she began to cry. Dustin leapt from the couch and ran across the room to be further from me. He exclaimed quite a few expletives very rapidly.

After they had both calmed down a bit, they began just staring at me. Dustin was the first to speak, asking me if it was really me. When I replied it was, he asked me how this had happened. I told him I didn't know and he began talking about parasites that live in human bodies, tapeworms and such, that fed on the stomach contents and fat of the body, making you rapidly lose weight. I laughed it off.

Cheryl said she wanted to take me to a doctor. I refused and she was pissed! She demanded to now why. I quickly walked into the kitchen and came out with a knife.
They both were across the room now. I remember very clearly what I said. "This is why I can't go to the doctor." and then I slit my wrist open.

Blood ran down my arm. I removed the towel from my waist and stood there, naked, catching the blood in the white towel. Cheryl screamed and rushed toward me. But when she got there she saw it and looked into my eyes. She stumbled back across the room, falling on the floor. I held up my wrist to show it had healed. Dustin was floored. He said "What are you?" I told him very quietly that I didn't know.

After they had calmed down, I finally convinced them to sit at the table with me. I told them everything. About the man at the club, the vomiting, the sunlight and even the suicide attempts. They started to discuss all the possible reasons behind it and I told them that I had one idea but I wanted to do one final test.

I took a raw steak from the freezer. I thawed it in the microwave. I asked Dustin to make me a salad or a sandwich. I told Cheryl to get me a trash can and a glass. After a few minutes we sat at the table again. I had a raw steak in front of me. I had a PB & J sandwich. I had an empty glass. And I had a trash can next to me. They sat and watched as I took a bite of the sandwich. After the first two bites, I paused. I felt it coming. I started heaving into the trash can. There at the bottom lay the two bites of sandwich surrounded in a pool of clear bile. Dustin almost lost it too.

Then they watched in disgust as I picked the steak up, I began to squeeze the steak over the glass. Juicing it like a grapefruit. The blood streamed down into the glass. It wasn't even enough to fill half. Then I looked across the table at my two best friends. I said, "bottoms up" and I chugged the blood. I felt it travel down my throat, I literally felt it hit the pit of my stomach. My body felt warm all over. After the feeling passed, I sat there waiting. I never threw up.

Dustin looked across at me in a mixture of pity, revulsion and excitement. His words were the first spoken: "What the f**k are you?"

I paused and looked across at them and gathered all the strength I could muster and said the words that should have come earlier.

"Guys, I think I'm a vampire."

And that was my realization.


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